In this blog we will be looking at the real life issue which is faced by mostly every company which is hiring a perfect candidate for the job, keep reading this blog to see our full analysis of challenges faced by companies while searching for candidates.

Company hiring Process and Bottleneck for freshers:

Let’s understand this model
As a start-up company we need to hire fresher’s every year, we got a requirement for 6 candidates.
Skills required by Employer:- 
    Ø  Should be aware of latest technologies.
    Ø  Should have done basic certified courses.
    Ø  Good industrial projects experience.
    Ø  Good presentation and communication skills.
    Ø  Flexible for to work in industry.
    Ø  Attentive to learn and implementation.
Interview process to hire 6 skilled freshers to industry:-
As a start-up company, we always need an employee to know multiple technology as well as being skilled in at least one of them. In the process of finding a good candidate, a company interviewed 20 students in a batch but only 1 got selected. So to acquire the target of 6 candidates more batches had to be conducted. After 4 days of selection processes the company got 6 candidates. Additionally, a panel of 4 experts remain engaged for 4 days.
Time and Cost invested by Employer in hiring process
    Ø  Interview panel resources : 4 experts
    Ø  Time invested: 4 days
Investments made by a company after recruitment processes
    Ø  3 Mentors to be assigned in a group of 2 candidates each. (Cost to company)
    Ø  3 to 6 Months training with industry experience provided. (Cost to company)

Finally, after 3 to 6 months as per candidate capability, candidate becomes a valuable asset for company. This is the only reason candidates get less paid at recruitment.

Why 95% of B. Tech graduates are not being able to clear industrial interviews. Here are enlisted reasons analysed through interview process:

Required academic qualification:
    Ø  Scores below average or backlogs fall under non-qualified bucket list for job opening.
Technology awareness:
    Ø  Not well aware about latest technologies, hence have no direction to work upon.
    Ø  Some are aware about technologies but due to lack of guidance are not able to pursue it in the right way and become a prey for training institutes for getting job in a hurry after study completion.
After Completing studies job pressure:
    Ø  Not able to find right interest, guidance about industrial standard while shaping career. This leads to selection of inappropriate jobs and technology. It will also lead to a long term loss. Also, candidates usually have lack of certifications and quality industrial projects.
Rushing to search jobs:
    Ø  Students rush to search jobs, rather than improving skills. In this pressure invest lots of money in training institutes like a blind horse running in a race. They still don’t find the appropriate option.
Lack of interpersonal skills:
    Ø  It includes lack of the following skills such as presentation, communication, leadership, team-work, decision-making and situation-awareness.
    Ø  Resume writing is another issue which comes up due to the lack of such skills.
Unaware about Industrial standards:
    Ø  Candidates sometimes are completely unaware about the flexibility required to work in industries. Hence it comes a shock to them and it makes them an inappropriate candidate.
We must need to find solutions to these bottlenecks and guide upcoming youth to shape their career by having a good vision over best technologies and their market.
Concerns areas: Here are some of enlisted reports according to leading source
All it saysWe are lagging because lack of technical, cognitive and interpersonal skills required to find a white-collar job” only bookish knowledge is not sufficient this time, one must also need to be updated as per industry culture.


These are some sample headlines accumulated from recent events
“It prompts us to look for a solution model, and to improve all the area where our students are lagging”.
Solution Model:
Last semester professional training:

Overlapping Period (Professional Training): It can be last semester or any assigned period as per the college and student. In this period the company will provide technical as well as interpersonal skill mentorship to selected students.
Benefits of Professional training during Overlapping period:
Getting industrial mentorship before finishing studies:
It will benefit students a lot because till the time they will complete their technical courses, they have already become ready as per industrial standard.
Time and cost saving:
Getting guidance when candidate actually requires it, saves a lot time of the candidate. He would be aware of what area he/she wants to work up-on and what mentorship he/she requires. With this exact plan, candidate can work in a better way and save his/her time as well as cost.
No need to rush for job and fall for 100% job Scams:
They don’t need to rush for jobs just after finishing their studies. They would be having a good amount of time to think about it and shape their career for the long run.
Candidate would be able to select best courses for their further development with the best guidance and proper knowledge of how the industry works.
Technical Expertise Development:
Candidates will be aware of emerging technologies and with industrial exposure provided by the company, training candidates would be able to choose their jobs as per their interest.
Better pay scale:
As the candidate is already industry ready, hiring companies will not have to invest a lot on their time on training and grooming, so they can get better a pay scale.
Interpersonal skills Development:
Candidates would be able to present their interpersonal skills during interviews, meetings, and other engagements in a finer way. This will add some more points to their performance and opportunities.

If you are still facing issue regarding challenges faced by companies while searching for candidates Feel free to Ask Doubts in the Comment Box Below and Don’t Forget to Follow us on 👍 Social Networks, happy Splunking >😉