Introduction :

Auto regression is a time series model used to predict the current data based on previous data it is used for forecasting when there is some correlation between values in a time series.

Definition :

In Splunk “autoregress” command is used to calculate a moving average. (A moving average (MA) is a stock indicator commonly used in technical analysis, used to help smooth out price data by creating a constantly updated average price).

Example :  if we need to predict the product price for next day , then we must take the average of the last 30 days values of the closing price.

Syntax :

autoregress <field> [ p=<int> | p=<int>-<int> ]

field=<string> – The name of a field.

p=<int> – It  specifies previous events with single integer value <int> , from the given field. example p=2

P=<int>-<int> – It specifies range of integer value <int>-<int>  for previous event. example P=3-6

Example :

Query :

index=”main” sourcetype=geo| eval data =len(_raw)| autoregress data p=1-2| eval average=(data + data_p1 + data_p2) /3| table data, data_p1 data_p2, average| rename average as moving_average


Result :

Explanation :

In above search, we extract a data from main index (it’s a splunk default index where all the personal/processed data is stored) and soucetype “geo” (data related to geographical location ) given in the main search. In sub search  the search uses the eval data=len(_raw) (eval command used to calculate mathematical expressions) , here we are evaluating the data named len(_raw) which calculates the log size and displayed in ‘data’ field. autoregress  data p=1-2.

 autoregress command  to search the previous values of first and second prior event  from the field ‘data’. eval average=(data +data_p1 + data_p2 )/3search adds the initial event and two previous events (data+data_p1+data_p2) and divided it by 3 (Total number of events ) to calculate the moving average. That is (165+169+189/3 )and displayed the result (174.333…) in ‘average’ field (new field created using eval command). and search uses table command to display the resulted values of data ,data_p1, data_p2 and ‘average’ field in a tabular format. And finally search uses rename command to rename the field ‘average’ as ‘moving_average’.

It omits the moving_average for the initial events, where the field would be wrong, because summing null fields is considered null.

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| Happy Splunking 😉