What was my password? Not again. It can be a nightmare forgetting password and trying repetitive failed attempts makes it even worst. Well it is the most common problem experienced almost everyone. Fortunately splunk provides you a method to reset your password in splunk if you have forgot password in splunk.

The article will guide you through necessary steps to reset password.

NOTE : This steps differ for versions > 6.1 and < 6.1.

For splunk 6.1 and  after :

  • Stop Splunk Enterprise
  • Find the passw file for your instance ($SPLUNK_HOME/etc/passwd) and rename it to passwd.bk
  • Create a file named user-seed.conf in your “$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/ “ directory. (You may not have the permission so just move the file from creating it at different location).
  • In the file add the following text:

          USERNAME = admin
          PASSWORD = < use your passw here >

  • Start Splunk Enterprise and use the new password to log into your instance from Splunk Web.
  • Login with password you’d provided in user-seed.conf file.
  • Start  SPLUNKING!!!!
For prior splunk 6.1 :
  • Stop Splunk Enterprise
  • Find the passw file for your instance ($SPLUNK_HOME/etc/passw) and rename it to passw.bk
  • Start Splunk Enterprise and login to your instance from Splunk Web using the default credentials of admin/changeme
  • You will be asked to enter a new password for your admin account.
  • If you previously created other users and know their login details, copy and paste their credentials from the passw.bk file into the passwd file and restart Splunk.

You have Changed your Password and try not to forget it again😉

If you are still facing issue regarding forgot password in splunk Feel free to Ask Doubts in the Comment Box Below and Don’t Forget to Follow us on 👍 Social Networks, happy Splunking >😉